- Standard Exclusions unless specifically included elsewhere
- Steel items identified on C, M, and E & P drawings unless specifically noted above any item not identified in our inclusions
- Any painting of fireproofed steel
- Bolts Thru Wood to Steel Burglar Bars
- Barricades Core drilling
- Cost of Outside Tests and Inspections, Special Testing for Field
- Cutting and/or banding of penetrations through grating or floor plate for other trades cutting of deck at mechanical openings
- Davis Bacon Wages (unless noted otherwise)
- Design or Engineering
- Demolition of any kind or removal and relocation of existing steel
- Finish Gate Hardware, Locks, Lock Boxes, etc. (unless listed in inclusions) Fasteners
- Field cutting or drilling for other trades Field Measuring of any kind
- Field Welding of Reinforcing Materials to Steel Field Painting
- Gutters, Downspouts, Scuppers, Transitions, Flashing, Counter-flashing, Trim, Revels, etc. Gapo Type Lintels
- Grout and Placement thereof
- Glass Stops
- Grab Bars
- Hoisting for other trades
- Holes through lintels, columns and beams for reinforcement bars Items not shown on Structural or Architectural Drawings
- Items not identified on drawings
- Items called out as by others on the drawings or specifications
- Joist hangers not welded to steel
- Ladder extensions or ladder ups
- Light poles
- Louvers, Vents and Grilles
- Liquidated Damages
- Metal Stud Framing, Tracks, Braces, Struts, Joists, Purlins, etc. Non-ferrous Metals
- Revisions in field to accommodate errors of other trades
- Roof Drains
- Stair Nosing’s (unless listed in inclusions)
- Setting of Base Plates or nuts to elevation
- Setting of bearing and embed plates
- Standing seam metal roofing, Architectural metal building R panels
- Shoring of any kind
- Steel Curbing
- Steel forms
- Steel 10 GA and lighter (except at stair pans and stair landings)
- Steel Supports in Casework
- Supports for other trades
- Tilt Panel erection or welding of any kind
- Unistrut Material
- Wave our right to lien
- Wood to Steel Connections
- Wrought Iron Fence and Gates unless specifically included
- Permits
- Taxes, state, city or local bonds
Terms and Conditions:
- Any required overhead protection, screens for the perimeter of the building, sidewalks, streets and the like are to be furnished, installed, maintained and removed by the General Contractor.
- Overhead wires and above ground obstructions, which interfere with access and erection, shall be removed by the General Contractor prior to commencement of erection.
- Notwithstanding any provision of the construction contract or any bid document to the contrary, if at the request or direction of the Contractor, We will not provide hoisting services or facilities or permit persons other than Our personnel to use Our equipment, such as safety planks, ladders and scaffolds, the Contractor shall indemnify us and hold us harmless from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands and expense including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of injury to persons or property in any way connected with such use of our, facilities or equipment.
- General Contractor is to provide an “AS BUILT” anchor Bolt Plan prepared by a licensed and insured surveyor at least one week prior to start of steel erection. General Contractor will locate the center-lines of each steel column and establish the proper elevations by setting one leveling nut for each base plate to the required elevation. This nut shall be painted.
- We will require access roads around and into the building. These roadways are to remain until the building is erected and must be capable of supporting our equipment.
- In the event that, when drilling concrete or masonry for installation of wedge anchors or epoxy anchors we should encounter reinforcing materials that make it necessary to diamond core drill the holes, such drilling shall be considered to be extra work and will be billed to the General Contractor.
- All areas in which our mobile erection equipment and/or delivery trucks must operate are assumed to be suitably designed to support this equipment. If planking, matting or shoring or other protection is required it is to be designed, furnished, installed and removed by the General
- This proposal is based upon work being performed in a standard 40 hour workweek and in one continuous operation. We have made no allowance for overtime premiums or additional
- We do not paint field bolt heads and nuts or field welds, nor touch up abrasions of the shop coat nor perform any other field painting. (AISC
- Installation will be done in accordance with the AISC Code of Standard Practice, 9th Edition.
- This proposal shall become a part of any contract entered into between the buyer and us. In the event of Discrepancies in wording between this proposal and any contract resulting therefrom, wording of this proposal shall govern.
- We will accept no back charges without being given the opportunity to correct the problem with our own forces.
- We will install a double strand of safety cable at the areas that it is required for our erection work forces safety only. If contractor requires other areas contractor will be billed for the extra cable and labor to install it. Cable will be left in place until no longer required by the Contractor who will be responsible for maintenance of the cable during the absence of our work forces from the job-site. When cable is no longer required it shall be removed by the Contractor and returned to us.
- Buyer shall be responsible for paying us in a timely manner regardless of whether or not buyer has been paid by the owner or others responsible to the buyer.
- In the event that we are selected to perform the work described in the body of this proposal, buyer shall, at the time of notifying us to proceed, provide us with a copy of the buyer’s Standard Subcontract Terms and Conditions for review prior to execution of the sub-contract.
- This proposal is valid for 30 days from the bid opening date.
- This offer is made with the understanding that a pre-award meeting will include a review and mutual acceptance of the scope of work, contract documents, schedule and terms and conditions prior to finalizing.
- We will review each modification issued by the owner, and advise the contractor in writing within a timely manner of receipt of the Modification, if we have been impacted. If an adjustment in subcontract time or subcontract sum is required, we will submit a change order on a timely basis and will not proceed with said work until the subcontract sum has been modified and agreed to buy us or that we have been directed in writing by the contractor to do said work. Upon receipt of written direction or acceptance of the subcontract sum modification by us the work will be completed and installed (if needed), not withstanding any other contract provisions.
- Traffic barricades and traffic control shall be supplied and maintained by the general
- Perimeter edge plate or perimeter edge angle will be provided to within one inch from face of metal studs. This is to allow for tolerances as specified by the AISC Code of standard practice. Metal stud subcontractor will be responsible for providing and installing clips to attach and align his product.
- The cost for installing floor and roof frames as described in our scope of work has been estimated assuming that the size and location of said frames will be furnished by the time our installation crew needs them. Any delay in furnishing this information shall constitute a change in our scope of work and may result in additional costs.
- If the steel members of this job are fireproofed or embedded in concrete, we will not remove weld back-up plate extensions or guy lugs unless they interfere with cladding or
- All trash containment and removal, dust control and sanitary facilities are to be by others at no cost to us.
- We may prior to installation decide to survey all anchor bolts, weld plates and elevations affecting our trade. If this survey reveals non-conformance or dimensions of line and grade to be outside of industry standards, the cost for such survey will be paid by the general
- Punch List Items will be handled before our last day on job site or an extra mobilization charge will be charged for each additional trip.
- This bid covers only the main structural components as specifically shown on the plans and does not include any peripheral items regardless of architectural intent. Any members not sized in the drawings have not been included in pricing.
- We reserve the right to subcontract parts of this contract.
- Installation sequence must be provided within 1 week of receipt of an order or we will install as we see fit.
- The contract will contain a Force Majeure/Excusable Delay clause, such as but not limited to, Act of God, fire, strike, breakdown, shortage of energy source, Act of Government, unusual weather, owner delays, etc., under which above delays by us would be excused if caused by events which we could not anticipate or prevent, and for which we are not
- Two sets of for construction design drawings will be furnished by the GC for our use.